5 Lee Marvin A Personal Portrait by John Boorman neu

Lee Marvin: A Personal Portrait by John Boorman

Director: John Boorman
DocumentaryGB 199849'
Saturday, 12. Jun 1999, 22:00
show all movies from 1999
By playing »bad guys« and psychopaths of various genres, Lee Marvin, as one critic put it, »has played a defining role in the violence seen on America's movie screens.« He had such a huge sense of presence about him when he was on set that some of his fellow actors would answer his questions even before he had asked them. With the help of Jim Jarmusch and William Hurt among others, director John Boorman delves into the motivations and the ingenious tricks the ex-Marine Lee Marvin used in his work. This convincing film biography combines film cuts and interviews to tell the life story of one of Hollywood's most interesting stars.
John Boorman
Paula Jalfon
Executive Producers
Colin MacCabe, Steve Jenkins (for BBC), David Sehring (for American Movie Classics)
Arnie Sirlin, Ira Bremner, Rodney Deihl, Paul Ward
Ron Davis
Richie Buckley With: Robert Filkosky, William Hurt, Jim Jarmusch, Pamela Marvin, Dr. Harry Wilmer
International Sales
BFI Sales Tel: +44 171 957 8982 Fax: +44 171 580 5830
The British Film Institute and American Movie Classics in association with BBC and The Museum of Modern Art, Department of Film and Video