1 Tempel


Director: Philipp Leinemann
TV-SeriesDE 20163x30' (6x30')‘German OV
Thursday, 13. Oct 2016, 18:00
Residenz 1
show all movies from 2016
Mark Tempel, a nurse for the elderly, lives with his wife Sandra and their daughter June in an urban neighborhood in Berlin. Money is tight: Mark earns very little. And ever since she got into an accident that has confined her to a wheelchair, Sandra only occasionally helps out in a travel agency. The Tempels still feel very much at home where they live. However, when the tide of gentrification and the real estate mafia sweep in, threatening to put them out on the street and take away their home, Mark decides that enough is enough. Enough of feeling powerless, enough of taking what the rich and powerful leave for the middle class, enough of holding still. He gets in touch with his old boxing buddies and takes up the fight against the real estate machine. He fails to notice, though, that he becomes increasingly entangled in the world of petty criminals – a world he had previously turned his back on long ago. Soon, he pushes the limits of his own Robin Hood morality. Will he still be one of the good guys?
Philipp Leinemann
Executive Producers
Uwe Urbas
Commissioning Editor
Bastian Wagner (ZDF)
Christian Stangassinger
Ken Duken, Chiara Schoras, Michelle Barthel, Antje Traue, Thomas Thieme, Leslie Malton, Alexandar Jovanovic , Hiltrud Hauschke
Domestic Sales
ZDF Enterprises GmbH Erich-Dombrowski-Str. 1 55127 Mainz Germany