9 The Librarians Dream neu

The Librarian's Dream

Director: Jon Wright
ShortGB 200111'
Tuesday, 18. Jun 2002, 21:00
show all movies from 2002
Sean, a deaf librarian, is offered his hearing back by a mischievous, magical character - at a price. The film is a metaphor for the choices we make in life. Whenever we choose to go down a particular road we sacrifice all the other roads we could have gone down - and we've no way of knowing what we're missing out on. Imagine if we were offered the opportunity to switch paths - to have another life in exchange for the one we've got. »Beautifully shot, fantastic sound, strong acting and a very human story«rt, said the jury. THE LIBRARIAN'S DREAM was the winner of the BBC’s young talent award »Choice Cuts« 2001 in the professional category.
Jon Wright