9 Doctor Who neu

Doctor Who

Director: Nick Hurran
TV-SeriesGB 201250'OV
Thursday, 4. Oct 2012, 19:00
show all movies from 2012

In cooperation with FOX – Der Seriensender, BBC Worldwide and unitymedia

Trust your Doctor: Almost 50 years after the first episode aired, the British cult series DR. WHO is still sticking to its eccentric mixture of time travel, screwball, action and comedy – and the tradition of excellence in acting, writing and producing. The seventh season since the series' relaunch (the 33rd overall!) holds in store: Wild West adventures, a space ship full of dinosaurs and the final goodbye from longstanding »companions« Amy and Rory. And naturally the Doctor's many enemies don't remain idle, either. When in 2010 28-year-old Matt Smith was chosen to be the youngest Doctor in the series' history, skepticism was the order of the day. But under the new show runner and screenwriter Steven Moffat (SHERLOCK) the show leapt from strength to strength – and Smith went on to be the first actor of the series to be nominated for a BAFTA and is now considered by fans and critics alike to be a real find, filling the shoes of David Tennant or Christopher Ecclestone with ease and grace.

Nick Hurran
Steven Moffat
Marcus Wilson
Executive Producers
Steven Moffat, Caroline Skinner
Stephan Pehrsson
Tim Porter, Mike Hopkins, William Oswald
Murray Gold
Matt Smith, Nicholas Briggs, Arthur Darvill, Karen Gillan
International Sales
BBC Worldwide Ltd. Media Centre 201 Wood Lane London W12 7TQ Great Britain www.bbcworldwide.com
Domestic Sales
BBC Worldwide Germany GmbH Im Mediapark 5b 50670 Köln Deutschland www.bbcgermany.de
Andy Pryor