9 Ein Mann von gestern neu

Ein Mann von gestern

Director: Tom Toelle
TV-MovieDE 198080'
Thursday, 20. Jun 2002, 21:00
show all movies from 2002
Program Director Arne Iffländer okays a magazine contribution revealing that State Premier Knoop worked together with a nuclear power company during the state elections. Iffländer is urged by all sides not to show the film because there is a lot at stake for the director itself, as this post is up for election. But he defends the contribution because he believes it is good journalism, feels obliged to cater to the interests of the public, and does not want to be influenced by party intrigues. As a result, Director Iffländer does not hold the reins for very much longer ...
Tom Toelle
Tom Toelle, Wolfgang Menge
Gustav Rudolf Sellner, Will Quadflieg, Witta Pohl, Hans-Günther Martens, Siegfried Kernen, Eberhard Feik, Michael Degen, Gert Westphal
Production editor
Martin Wiebel