1 Lettres du voyant Webseite

Lettres Du Voyant

Director: Louis Henderson
Film Screening and TalkFR 201340’English OV
Thursday, 5. Oct 2017, 19:30
show all movies from 2017

In cooperation with the Academy of the Arts of the World

Louis Henderson’s docu-fiction LETTRES DU VOYANT examines the synergy of spiritism and technology in contemporary Ghana, a country famously stripped of its precious metals. A new form of mining has emerged: Young workers strip down old digital hardware not only for metal but also for credit card numbers or pictures which are later used for internet scams. LETTRES DU VOYANT looks at how such scams blend with traditional voodoo in a practice called “Sakawa”. Tracing the scammers’ stories back to the time of Ghanaian independence, Henderson’s film shows that this internet voodoo could be understood as a form of resistance to neocolonialism. 

After the screening, filmmaker Louis Henderson joins in conversation with film theorist Souleymane Diallo.

Louis Henderson