10 Liberia neu

Liberia: An Uncivil War

Director: Jonathan Stack, James Brabazon
DocumentaryUSA 2004102'
Sunday, 3. Jul 2005, 19:00
show all movies from 2005

In the summer of 2003, the Liberian civil war came to its culmination in the battle for the capital Monrovia. LIBERIA: AN UNCIVIL WAR gives an account of this decisive phase from both sides of the atrocious conflict: experienced British war correspondent James Brabazon accompanied the rebel army on its drive for the capital, while his colleague Jonathan Stack held out in the city under siege, whose population was hoping in vain for an US army intervention. Based on the two filmmakers’ impressions, the dramatic documentary does show children with Kalashnikovs, but also examples of active, self-sacrificing commitment to a civil society. 

Both filmmakers received the International Documentary Association’s recognition through the »Courage Under Fire Award«, presented by Michael Moore.

Jonathan Stack, James Brabazon
Jonathan Stack, James Brabazon
Executive Producers
Bill Smee
Jonathan Stack, James Brabazon, Axel Baumann, Tim Hetherington
Michael Kovalenko
Barney McAll
International Sales
Gabriel Films Tel: 001 212 941 620 0 Fax: 001 212 941 620 3 [email protected] Special Jury Award IDFA 2004
Jonathan Stack, James Brabazon
Jonathan Stack, James Brabazon
Gabriel Films in association with Discovery Times Network