9 Warriors neu


Director: Peter Kosminsky
TV-MovieGB 19992x85'
Sunday, 4. Jun 2000, 19:00
show all movies from 2000
Late 1992: the warriors we are dealing here are four professional soldiers, members of a British Blue Helmet Regiment in Bosnia. Highly qualified and armed to the teeth, they crawl through the wintry landscape on UN tanks, passing by burning houses and straggling refugees on the side of the road, traces of the atrocities carried out by Serbian and Croatian militias. In spite of this, the UN troops are not allowed to intervene because their mandate is purely humanitarian. WARRIORS does without the shoot-outs and showdowns of conventional films. Instead, it describes the impotence of the Bosnia mission because of the system it was launched under, a sequence of humiliations and frustrations forced by the political circumstances surrounding the deployment. An outstanding, award-winning and deeply moving piece of television history.
Peter Kosminsky
Leigh Jackson
Nigel Stafford-Clark
Executive Producers
Jane Tranter, Gareth Neame
Richard Greatrex BSC
Chris Ridsdale
Debbie Wiseman
Production Design
Phil Roberson
Ioan Gruffud, Matthew Macfadyen, Damien Lewis, Tom Ward
BBC in association with Deep Indigo Productions