Infos Festival Accreditation

We are very pleased to welcome you to the FILM FESTIVAL COLOGNE 2023. With this, we are informing you about the most important details regarding your accreditation. You can collect your festival accreditation at our festival center located at Hallmackenreuther (Brüsseler Platz 9 in the Belgian Quarter) during the following hours:

The festival accreditation is valid for FILM FESTIVAL COLOGNE 2023 and grants access to the sessions and all public screenings, as long as individual tickets are available.

You can obtain individual tickets for each screening from the online shop two days before the respective screening starting at 8:00 AM, using your code, and by presenting your festival accreditation at the ticket counter in the festival center. Additionally, there will be a last-minute queue at each screening to fill the remaining seats.

If you have any questions regarding the accreditation, please contact Stefania Matache at [email protected].

You can find the complete festival program at

We look forward to welcoming you to the Film Festival Cologne and remain until then, and with warm regards,