Header NRW USA Jahr

NRW-USA-Jahr 2023/2024

Thursday, 26. Oct 2023, 14:00–17:00
Filmpalast · Kino 4
Kostenfrei mit Anmeldung über Tickets

A perfect match! Under this motto, the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia is honouring its close relationship with the USA and proclaiming 2023/2024 as NRW-USA Year. As Germany’s number one media location, NRW and the companies based here have diverse and long-standing contacts with media companies in America. Whether for intercultural exchange or economic cooperation, successful structures have emerged here in recent decades and a flourishing transatlantic market in the fields of culture, creative and media industries with diverse business models. 
The NRW-USA Year will be launched at a kick-off event by Minister for Federal, European and International Affairs and the Media Nathanael Liminski and US Consul General Pauline Kao. All upcoming events will be published here step by step.

Moderator: Wolfgang Link, Producer, Cologne

2:00-2:15 PM, Welcome

2:15-2:45 PM, Keynote 
How to Get in Business with the USA
Philipp Steffens, Managing Director, GLISK GmbH, Cologne

2:45-3:15 PM, Best Practice – Talk 
Bringing European Arthouse and the US Studio System into Productive Harmony 
Jonas Katzenstein, Producer & CEO, augenschein Filmproduktion, Cologne

3:15-3:45 PM, Best Practice – Talk 
MMC goes USA – Strategies for Production, Sales, and Financing 
Jens Wolf, Managing Partner, Medienbeteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, MMC Group, Cologne

3:45-4:15 PM, Break

4:15-5:00 PM, Closing Roundtable
How Relevant is the NRW Region for US Media Companies? 
Daniel Hetzer, CEO, Turbine Studios Deutschland, Cologne 
René Jamm, CEO, Warner Bros. ITVP Deutschland, Cologne 
Christopher Zwickler, Producer and CEO, Flute Film, Berlin 
Jörg Winger, Managing Director & Producer, Big Window Productions, Berlin 
Yi Qiao, Director Drama, ZDF Studios, London

Starting from 5:00 PM, Networking