Das kleine Fernsehspiel präsentiert: Dina Foxx - Tödlicher Kontakt

Director: Max Zeitler
Two-part TV and online ThrillerDE 2014OV
Friday, 3. Oct 2014, 16:00
show all movies from 2014

In cooperation with ZDF/Das kleine Fernsehspiel

DINA FOXX – TÖDLICHER KONTAKT takes the innovative, transmedia Internet mystery into a second round. Caught up in a ruthless war between the food industry and political activists, Dina Foxx tries to stop a rapidly spreading epidemic and fights for her brother's life – with the audience joining the struggle online. Notably, only viewers who delve deeply into the online world of the narration after watching the first part of the TV program will learn the whole truth about this newly conceived TV and online crime drama. All those who follow the story as it unfolds on the Net will experience an even more suspenseful thriller. They will not only find an opportunity for in-depth explorations of the background of the case on three levels, but also maximum entertainment with the Web series, the casual game, and a 360° video investigation. Nonetheless, the TV-only audience will still be able to enjoy DINA FOXX as a self-contained, exciting show. The presentation includes a screening of the TV program’s first instalment and a showcase of the online complement.

Max Zeitler
Max Zeitler, Nina Pourlak, Philipp Zimmermann, Burkhard Althoff, Milena Bonse, Leif Alexis
Florian Foest
Marty Schenk, Carsten Piefke
Jan Cziharz
Production Design
Petra Albert
Katharina Schlothauer, Christoph Bach u.a
Concept Coordinator
Max Zeitler
Development TV / Online
Max Zeitler, Kristian Costa-Zahn, Leif Alexis, Burkhard Althoff, Milena Bonse, Philipp Zimmermann, Daniel Helbig, Severin Brettmeister, Patrick Möller, Nina Pourlak
Producers UFA / Fiction
Jochen Laube, Leif Alexis (TV / web series)
Producer UFA LAB
Kristian Costa-Zahn (online)
Technical Realization
Digitalagentur Exozet
Commissioning Editor ZDF
Burkhard Althoff, Milena Bonse