7 Double Rush neu

Double Rush

Director: Michael Lambeck
TV-SeriesUSA 199512x30'
Sunday, 18. Jun 1995, 16:00
show all movies from 1995
Every week, DOUBLE RUSH offers an unconventional look at a unique breed of urban cowboy - the New York City bicycle messenger. In a downtown Manhattan warehouse basement, Johnny Verona, a former rock musician and 60`s idealist, owns and operates the struggling business. Not a day goes by that he is not tempted to ditch the near-bankrupt enterprise, but he always relents knowing that the misfits he employs would be lost without him. at almost every turn, Johnny`s fundamental idealism runs smack into the cynicism of his younger bike jockeys. The resulting collisions fuel the comedy as Johnny and his brood struggle to survive.
Michael Lambeck
Stephen Nathan, Diane English
Jim Herzfeld
Gerald Perry Finnerman
Kenny Tintorri
Jonathan Wolf
Robert Pastorelli, Adam Goldberg, corrine Bohrer, D.L. Hughley, Phil Leeds
International Sales
Shukovsky english Entertainment Tel.: 1/818/760-6100
Double Rush Productions