2 Journeys with George neu

Journeys with George

Director: Alexandra Pelosi
DocumentaryUSA 200285'
Friday, 20. Jun 2003, 19:00
show all movies from 2003
Embedded Journalism at it’s best: With her video camera, Alexandra Pelosi recorded every step of George W. Bush’s election campaign in 2000. After 18 months spent herded together with campagneros, journalists, and a charming clown hoping to become president, she shows us the race for the Oval Office as a compulsory school excursion, fueled by the love/hate relationship between the Power and the media. »The love affair I had with journalism died on the campaign«, said Andrea Pelosi on completing the film. After viewing this equally amusing and revealing home movie about the Ruler of the World and the cynical pack of journalists that trail him, you can hardly blame her.
Alexandra Pelosi
Alexandra Pelosi
Alexandra Pelosi
Alexandra Pelosi
Aaron Lubarsky
Brian Bowles
International Sales
NBC Enterprise Tel: 001 818 526 690 0 Fax: 001 818 526 692 2 Internet: www.nbcenterprises.com
George W. Bush
Aaron Lubarsky
Purple Monkey Production for NBC