KHM Molchkongress Kredit Matthias Sahli und Immanuel Esser


Thursday, 1. Aug 2024, 20:00
show all movies from Kino-Sommer 2024

Together with the ifs International Film School Cologne and the KHM, we are presenting the following short films. You can expect diverse stories about interpersonal relationships and conflicts, migration and cultural integration, individual dreams and special wishes.

DAS CELLO - Robert Decani - GE 2023 - 12'

SCHICHTWECHSEL - Marie Bagh - GE 2023 - 11'

MONA UND PARVIZ - Kevin Biele - GE 2021 - 17'

WHEREVER PARADISE IS - Roman Wegera - D 2023 - 28'

DER MOLCHKONGRESS - Immanuel Esser - GE/CH 2022 - 16'

MUSS JA NICHT SEIN, DASS ES HEUTE IST - GE 2021 - Sophia Groening - 8'