11 My life in film neu

My Life in Film

Director: Toby MacDonald
TV-SeriesGB 20046x30'
Sunday, 3. Jul 2005, 20:00
show all movies from 2005
Who’s never once thought of his life as a film? For Art, however, it’s his normal course of life. The box office clerk and wannabe low budget director keeps dreaming himself into his favorite films. Alas, reality never quite falls in line with the plots of the classics of cinema. Satirical references to classic movies are a standard device in Hollywood comedies, but screenwriter Mark Chappell is taking the art of citation to new absurd heights in his BBC mini-series MY LIFE IN FILM. Each episode’s music, photography and editing are cast in the mould of a seminal classic, be it a masterpiece of European auteur cinema, such as Fellini’s 8 1/2, or, in the case of TOP GUN, a new low in patriotic Hollywood entertainment.
Toby MacDonald
Mark Chappell
Paul Schlesinger
Executive Producers
Kenton Allen, Sophie Clarke-Jervoise
Andy Hollis
Mark Thornton
Andy Blaney
Alastair Widgery
Production Design
Les Stephenson
Kris Marshall, Andrew Scott, Alice Lowe
International Sales
BBC Worldwide Ltd. Tel: 0044 208 433 200 0 Fax: 0044 208 749 053 8 gabrielle.gautier@bbc.co.uk www.bbcworldwide.com First Broadcast: 19.10.2004, 21:00, BBC3, 0.4 mill.
Tracey Gilham