10 Mobile neu


Saturday, 11. Oct 2008, 22:00
show all movies from 2008

The mobile phone is about to become the fourth screen medium, complementing cinema, television, and the PC: spurned on by the success of Apple's iPhone, the mobile use of films and broadcasts is on the rise. Content creators therefore have a new playing field at their disposal; in a departure from passive TV consumption, an exploration of new formal and interactive frontiers is underway. The Cologne Conference's Look section features preeminent innovative accomplishments in storytelling and aesthetics – a look at the television of tomorrow! 

Screenings in this section include the following: 

STEPHEN KING’S N Mobile Series | USA 2008 | 25 x 2’ Scribner, Simon & Schuster Digital, cbs mobile, Marvel Entertainment   |   Script: Marc Guggenheim, Stephen King. Drawn by Alex Maleev.   |   Colored by José Villarrubia.    |    Voice: Ben Shenkman. © 2008 Stephen King. All rights reserved.    |   Stephen King's short story is about a young psychologist, Johnny, and his patient, »N«, who believes to have discovered the gates to a deadly underworld. Created in cooperation with comics artist Alex Maleev, who also developed the illustrations in the US series, HEROES, this short story is the King of Horror's first ever animated series for mobile devices. 

SUSHI FOREST Mobile Short | JPN 2007 | 4’ Director: Ohrys Bird    |   There may be many reasons not to like Sushi, but this story of a small Japanese boy likely provides one of the more weird among them. The boy’s father takes him into the woods for some insect spotting. Instead of bugs and butterflies, there are maki, nigiri and California rolls crawling through the grass in Sushi Forest. 

RIVADAVIA 2010 Mobile Short | BRA | 15’ Directors: Gustavo Jardim, Aline X   |    A dream voyage across the world of Gargamela takes off from a hotel room in Buenos Aires. One-half of the experimental video was shot with a handheld camera.