4 Hollywood Inc neu

Hollywood, Inc.

Director: Philip Day
DocumentaryGB 20023x50'
Saturday, 15. Jun 2002, 16:30
show all movies from 2002
Constant new record-breaking press releases from the worldwide marketing machine of Hollywood make the impression that the film business is a system with maximum profit at minimum risk.  Yet in reality only one out of ten productions makes it to the big screen.  The dramas that take place off-camera before a project becomes a blockbuster, and how thin the line between global, million-dollar business and global embarrassment really is, is revealed in HOLLYWOOD, INC..  Interviews with stars (Pierce Brosnan, Bruce Willis) and directors (Wes Craven, Ridley Scott, Oliver Stone) allow a most intimate  and entertaining look behind the scenes of the dream factory.  A must for film fans.
Philip Day
Philip Day
Daniel Pfisterer
Kent Brainerd, Robert Hartshorne
Ridley Scott, Wes Craven, Hugh Jackman, Jon Landau, Bryan Singer
International Sales
BBC Worldwide
A Darlow Smithson production for BBC and TLC