8 Pop Idol neu

Pop Idol

Director: Jonathan Bullen
Entertainment SeriesGB 200250'
Sunday, 16. Jun 2002, 17:30
show all movies from 2002
February 9th, 2002 went down in English television history:  72% of all 16-34 year-olds sat in front of the tube to find out which of the ten finalists of a country-wide pop star casting search would get to sing and dance their way to a record deal.  Weeks before, the British press speculated about the private lives of the contestants, and indulged in stories of supposed vote manipulation and the outcome of the vote itself.  Within two hours more than nine million people called in for the two finalists alone.  POP IDOL is proof that a simple format can be turned into an entertainment event through congenial realization.
Jonathan Bullen
Les Keen
harles Boyd, Meredith Chambers, Oliver Nash, Simon Tucker, Stephanie Dennis
Lisle Middleditch
Robert Edwards
International Sales
Fremantle Media Ltd.
Thames TV and 19 TV for ITV