3 Trips Money Cant Buy With Ewan Mc Gregor neu

Trips Money Can't Buy With Ewan McGregor

Director: Ben Southwell
DocumentaryGB 200150'
Friday, 14. Jun 2002, 23:00
show all movies from 2002
Survival expert Ray Mears drives Ewan McGregor through the deepest Honduran rainforest for ten days, through apocalyptic rainfall and colonies of biting jungle fleas.  Their goal is a prehistoric city sunken in the tropical forest, and, of course, day to day survival.  On their way, nearly everything goes wrong that can go wrong, and Ewan McGregor’s frustrated attempts not to use the F-word make for the best comedy that’s come out of Honduras in a long time.  A tasty morsel for all who want to experience Ewan McGregor (Obi Wan Kenobi) not only without makeup, but also unshowered.   A brilliant example for a simple, but very effective format idea.
Ben Southwell
Ben Southwell
Alan Duxbury
George Farley
Andrew Morton
International Sales
BBC Worldwide
Erwan McGregor, Ray Mears
A BBC Travel Channel. Co-Production for BBC Bristol