7 Kinky Friedman neu

Kinky Friedman

Director: Simone de Vries
DocumentaryNL 200154'
Saturday, 15. Jun 2002, 21:30
show all movies from 2002
He is author and protagonist of mystic crime novels, was frontman of the first Jewish country band, the »Texas Jewboys«, and all the while a satirist passionately hated by politically correct America.  Among other songs, he wrote the first country tune about the holocaust:  »Ride ‘em, Jewboy«. There is hardly a faux pas which Richard Kinky »Big Dick« Friedman wouldn’t enjoy making. Simone de Vries blends private insights and absurd appearances with interviews of enemies and friends (among them Bill Clinton), and so for the first time creates an extensive portrait of the craziest Jewish country singer.
Simone de Vries
Simone de Vries
Martin Lagestee, Simone de Vries
Peter de Cock, Ben Geraerts
Maaik Krijgsman
Alex Herrera, Metten Bergmeijer
Kinky Friedman, Lyle Lovett, Willy Nelson, Bill Clinton
International Sales
RNTV - Radio Netherlands Television, Aad van Ierland
Lagestee Film BV