11 Restrepo neu


Director: Sebastian Junger, Tim Hetherington
DocumentaryGB 201096'OV
Wednesday, 29. Sep 2010, 18:00
show all movies from 2010
CNN once called it the »deadliest place on earth«: 70 per cent of the bombs deployed in Afghanistan are being dropped on the Korengal Valley. Sebastian Junger, a journalist and writer, and Tim Hetherington, an award-winning photographer, have accompanied a US battle company there for a year. Their documentary feature gets us as deep into a soldier's life as we could possibly want – and maybe deeper. Although RESTREPO (named after a solitary outpost deep in enemy territory) remains non-political it does show why this war cannot be truly won: Family feuds, wrong denunciations and the escalation of mutual mistrust turn every attempt at diplomacy with the valley inhabitants into a kafkaesque experience. And every offensive doesn't only kill enemy fighters, but also women and children. This raw, relentless documentary shows the daily skirmishes as well as the large-scale offensives – and the mounting frustration and trauma of the soldiers who are being decimated in these steep and wooded hillsides by an invisible enemy.
Sebastian Junger, Tim Hetherington
Sebastian Junger, Tim Hetherington
Executive Producers
John Battsek, Nick Quested
Sebastian Junger, Tim Hetherington
Michael Levine
Ruy García
International Sales
National Geographic Antonietta Monteleone 34 E. Putnam Ave. Greenwich CT 06830, USA Tel: +1 203 661 56 78
Outpost Films, Passion Pictures, Goldcrest Films International