5 Im Schatten neu

Im Schatten

Director: Thomas Arslan
Feature FilmDE 201085'OV
Tuesday, 28. Sep 2010, 18:00
show all movies from 2010

in cooperation with ZDF

Trojan is a cool, tight-lipped professional who always knows exactly what he's doing. But he's fresh out of prison, there are not a lot of new jobs around and besides a corrupt cop there are also several of his former colleagues hot on his trail. But still he plans one last coup with an old buddy and a more than friendly female lawyer – they're robbing an armoured money transport. From this point on things go awry and he is constantly on the run. Set in a glass-and-steel on Berlin and photographed in cool, razor sharp digital images by DOP  Reinhold Vorschneider, director Thomas Arslan presents a tough underworld thriller that doesn't pull any punches. The sobering, melancholy images of cars and hotel rooms, the straightforward acting and the quiet, minimalist music make IN THE SHADOWS one of the most effective and suspenseful German genre film in years. It takes its time with an elaborate set-up and can then reap the rewards in form of a number of nerve-wreckingly exciting showdowns.

Thomas Arslan
Thomas Arslan
Florian Koerner von Gustorf, Michael Weber
Reinhold Vorschneider
Bettina Blickwede
Geir Jenssen
Andreas Mücke-Niesytka
Production Design
Reinhild Blaschke
Misel Maticevic, Rainer Bock, Uwe Bohm, Karoline Eichhorn, Timo Jacobs
Domestic Sales
FSK Kino & Peripher Filmverleih GmbH Segitzdamm 2 10969 Berlin Deutschland Tel: +49 30 614 24 64 Fax: +49 30 615 91 85 www.fsk-kino.de
Ulrike Müller
Commissioning Editor ZDF
Inge Classen
Schramm Film Koerner & Weber