10 Die Ritterinennen neu

Die Ritterinnen

Director: Barbara Teufel
Documentary DramaDE 200399'
Tuesday, 24. Jun 2003, 22:30
show all movies from 2003
They were the magnificent seven. Young women known simply as »Die Ritterinnen« - the lady riders - after their communal flat in Berlin’s Ritterstraße. As the 1980’s were already drawing to a close, they took up the fight against imperialism, capitalism and private ownership. Their alternatives to the ongoing patriarchy were »bloke-free« living and lesbian love. An authentic docu-drama full of passion, irony, and a loving eye for detail. The first full-length film from Barbara Teufel, graduate of the DFFB Berlin.
Barbara Teufel
Barbara Teufel
Annedore v. Donop
Executive Producers
Jörg Rothe
Ralph Netzer
Barbara Teufel; Music: Milena Fessmann
Ivonne Gärber
Jana Straulino, Ulla Renneke, Katja Danowski, Mieke Schymura, Bärbel Schwarz, Tilla Kratochwil, Ursina Lardi et.al.
Domestic Sales
Neue Visionen Filmverleih GbR Tel: +49 30 440 088 44 Fax: +49 30 440 088 45 E-Mail: neuevsionen@gmx.de
Commissioning Editor HR
Jörg Rothe
Commissioning Editor SWR
Frank Hertweck, Sabine Holtgreve
Commissioning Editor WDR
Andrea Hanke
Mediopolis GmbH in association with WDR, SWR & HR