DIE ALDI BRÜDER Website 1280x720 72dpi


Director: Raymond Ley
TV-DocudramaD 201890’German OV
Sunday, 7. Oct 2018, 18:00
show all movies from 2018

In cooperation with WDR

When Theo Albrecht is on his way home on November 29th, 1971 he is ambushed by two kidnappers. This evening is the start of 17 days of agony for the owner of the Aldi Nord supermarket chain. The documentary drama DIE ALDI-BRÜDER shows this kidnapping's backstory and background. Through extensive research this documentary manages to get close to the two famously publicity-weary brothers for the first time. After the war they turned their mother's grocery store into a billion dollar empire, but never forgot where they came from – not even when they had turned into competitors. With interviews, acted scenes and selected archive footage the film paints a precise picture of life in the young Federal Republic of Germany.

Raymond Ley
Dirk Eisfeld, Hannah & Raymond Ley, Mira Thiel
M. Walid Nakschbandi
Arnd Klawitter, Christoph Bach, Peter Kurth, Ronald Kukulies, Hannah Schröder, Adina Vetter