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Director: Michael Schneider
TV movieD 201888’German OV
Tuesday, 9. Oct 2018, 19:00
show all movies from 2018

In cooperation with ZDF and Network Movie

When Kathrin returns to her hometown Bonn to start her own medical practice, she has problems organizing day care for her son, which neither her sick father nor her busy husband can help with. So she is grateful to meet fellow mother Tanja, who offers to help out – and then Tanja is suddenly gone with Kathrin's kid. When the mother is finally contacted by the kidnapper there's a dark family secret revealed. Screenwriter Birgit Maiwald has adapted Christine Drews' novel as a psychological thriller, which Michael Schneider directs to peak suspense. In the main role Miriam Stein, who has already gone her way from being German TV's secret weapon to being simply one of our best actors.

Michael Schneider
Birgit Maiwald
Bettina Wente, Wolfgang Cimera
Andreas Zickgraf
Jörg Kroschel
Florian Van Volxem, Sven Rossenbach
Christoph Köpf
Production Design
Anke Osterloh
Miriam Stein, Harald Krassnitzer, Britta Hammelstein, Golo Euler, Jule Ronstedt, Helmut Berger