VR Time Ride Webseite

VR - A Virtual Travel Through Time

Wednesday, 4. Oct 2017, 17:00
In cooperation with TimeRide VR
show all movies from 2017
Once again this year, the Film Festival Cologne offers insight into the progress of Virtual Reality technologies. The synthesis of entertainment content and science creates new realities that revolutionize the entertainment industry. Besides the 360° experience of new worlds and progressive medical usage, this futuristic gadget even allows the recreation of the past. This festival special presents the fascinating world of Virtual Reality and transports its participants via time travel to the Cologne of the early 20th century. TimeRide VR Cöln provides this unique experience, where thanks to the latest VR technology and tactile feedback systems, visitors can deeply immerse themselves in the life and times of Kaiser Wilhelm and be a witness to his epoch. Moderation: Jonas Rothe, Geschäftsführer, TimeRide VR 17.00-17.30 Uhr, Begrüßung und Einführung Jonas Rothe, Geschäftsführer, TimeRide, Köln 17.30-18.00 Uhr, Keynote Virtuelle Realität – Historische Entwicklung und gegenwärtige Einflüsse Prof. Matthias Pfaff, Founding Partner & CDO der ZREALITY GmbH und Professor für Virtuelle Räume, 3D-Design, Mediengestaltung, Hypermediasysteme, Hochschule Kaiserslautern 18.00–18.30 Uhr, Keynote Die Zukunft der Vergangenheit – Welche Möglichkeiten bieten VFX für den Bereich VR? Michael Brink, Geschäftsführer, LAVAlabs Moving Images, Düsseldorf 18.30–19.00 Uhr, Führung 19.00-20.00 Uhr, Get-Together